Posts Tagged ‘Breathing’


January 23, 2013


Recently, I received a message from a former client who has been making some big changes in his life, but who, like most of us, is still encountering some stumbling blocks.  The message read as follows: “I am still in my own way, Mark.  What is the secret to just letting go?!?”


I stopped and took a deep breath, trusting inspiration, and responded with the following: “There is no secret that I know.  If you find a secret, please let me in on it.  However, there are some proactive things that you can do.


1) Breathe deeply for as long and as often as you can.

2) Remind yourself constantly that the way you feel is a direct result of what you are thinking.  If you wish to feel more inspired, motivated, and clear than you are feeling right now, think about things that lift you up and make you feel your best.  No excuses on this one.  You simply have to do it.

3) Take a baby step in some new direction without any expectation other than enjoying the simple step.

4) All along be aware of your thoughts, and the statements and questions you are entertaining.  The subconscious mind is constantly listening for what you are telling it.  Make sure it only hears positive, uplifting, powerful statements about you and what you can do.

5) Look for and identify all that is good in your life and say out loud that you are grateful for it.

6) Go back to step number one and repeat the process over and over again for the rest of your life!


That is my answer and I’m sticking to it!!!”


I thought it worth posting this written step-by-step process for letting go and I am grateful to my client for inspiring this action in me.  I intend to practice this process over and over again throughout 2013 and beyond.  I hope you will join me.


Letting go!



September 21, 2010

Recently, I was asked what to do with feelings described as “low grade anxiety” and “unexplainable stress.”  When we have feelings that nag at us and that won’t seem to go away, a usual first response is to “do something about the feeling.”  So, we shop, we eat, we drink, we look for physical satisfaction, we work, we workout, we get busy with something, we attempt to control the feelings and the situation, but, ultimately, the feelings return or simply stay in the background like cacophonous sound.

Anything that we resist persists.  We like to see anything that does not make us feel good, including thoughts, as a negative threat.  And, yet, the feelings you feel come from inside of you.  If you do battle with yourself, with your own feelings, you lose because you are on both sides of the battle.  You are the thoughts that attack and the thoughts that are trying to counter the attack.  Attempt something new.  Be with the feelings.  When the nagging, the guilt, the fear, the stress, or whatever feeling is persisting arises in your consciousness, stop for a few minutes and breathe.  Feel what you are really feeling.  Describe the physical sensations that are accompanying the feelings.  Stay in your body.  Stay in the moment.  Feel what makes you uncomfortable and don’t run from it (it may chase you).  Accept that this feeling is coming from inside of you (no matter how much you’d like to point your finger at something external as the cause of your discomfort).  Don’t try to make the feelings go away.  Simply be with them.  Breathe with them.  Notice the changes in your breathing and in your body.  The more relaxed you can become with your “unwanted” feelings, the more they subside and allow for moments of emotional relief and release.  As always, don’t take my word for it.  Try it for yourself.  Stay with the awareness of your feelings until you no longer feel the need to escape them.  It is a very empowering experience to use awareness and breath and acceptance to move through emotional discomfort.  If you want more tips about how to approach moments of discomfort and emotional duress, look back through this blog, or check out the exercises in

