Often when a question comes up for a client, friend, family or for myself, the first thing I do is look at how the question has been framed.  Our subconscious minds are hard-wired to seek answers that correspond to the questions that we ask.  If you ask yourself, “Why can’t I lose weight?”  Your mind will find all of the reasons why you can’t lose weight.  If you ask yourself, “Why is that person against me?”  Your mind will search for all of the reasons why that person is against you.  Ultimately, these types of questions lead us toward answers that provide all of the proof for why it is difficult to overcome the obstacle or challenge facing us.

I like to turn questions around.  Instead of asking why something “can’t” be or why something is “against” me, I ask questions that support an answer that will provide emotional and mental relief.  “How can I be at my most healthy?  How can I make the best of this situation?  How do can I see this experience differently?  What is the blessing in this challenge?”  I believe that great advancements in science, technology, medicine, intellectual thinking, art, creativity, spirituality, and societal change come from asking questions that open up possibilities.  “Is there a cure for cancer?  How can I make this machine fly?  How can I be of greater use in the world?  What is possible?”

I make it a habit to pay attention to the questions that I am asking and the way that I am asking them.  I listen to how I frame my questions.  What sort of questions have you been asking lately?






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One Response to “WHAT’S THE QUESTION?”

  1. Jan Says:

    Hey Mark,
    While I like the Emperor’s new threads on naked truths and body language? These older entries still pack a whale of a punch!!! Today I was counseling a new friend on asking the right questions, and BOOM! I recalled the date and location of this blog, looked it up. shared it with him, and it adds “where two or three agree” power and credibility. As often noted, these truths affect the world! Thanks, WordPress for archive buttons 🙂 ~Jan

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