Archive for the ‘Behavior Modification’ Category


September 22, 2011

One of the most helpful tips I can give you for understanding Body Language is to “feel it first.”  By this, I mean tap into your own body and read what is there.  Literally, stop and take a few deep breaths.  Notice where your body is tight or catches itself from the deep inhalation.  Notice how deeply you can breathe.  Notice if there is any area of the body that is asking for your attention.  I call this exercise in body awareness, attention, and relaxation, “deliberate breathing.”

As you do this breathing exercise, don’t attempt to change anything in the body or the way you feel about the body.  Simply notice where you attention and awareness goes in the body.  Feel what the body is telling by how it feels.  Are your feet evenly planted on the floor?  Do you have a wide stance or are your legs crossed?  Are you leaning into one hip or is your pelvis titled forward or backward?  Is your chest puffed out or are you caved in on yourself?  Are your shoulders tense and uneven, or dropped and relaxed.  Is there tension or relaxation in your elbows, wrists, hands?  Do you have a pain in the neck?  Is your head tilted?  What is your face doing — scrunched, smiling, furrowed brows, tight lips, etc.?  Each of these things tells you something about your body and how you are feeling this moment.  Feel into what your body is telling you.  Identify the feeling.  Don’t judge it (a big no-no in Body Language).  Instead, simply acknowledge what your body is doing and the corresponding feeling that goes with the posture, pain, discomfort, or openness reflected in your body.  Before you read another book on Body Language or another specialist’s words about it (okay, do finish this blog posting), decide for yourself what your body is telling you.  Ultimately, reading and understanding body language is best comprehended by understanding the feelings in your own body first.  Later, you can use your body as a tool to mimic the postures, stances, gestures, walks, and physical mannerisms of others.  With a developed awareness of your own body and by adopting the physicality of others, your body and brain will work together to inform you what others are thinking, feeling, and subconsciously conveying to the world.

I’ll get more deeply into this subject with the next posting and give you a few tips as to how mimicry of another person’s Body Language helps to understand that person more completely.  You’ll even learn how to mimic Body Language that conveys success, confidence, self-esteem, and attractiveness.

If you like this posting, subscribe to my blog.  You can also Like my Community Page on Facebook to keep up with the latest Body Language and Behavior Modification postings.

Body Talkin’,

Mark Edgar Stephens


September 8, 2010

While the rest of the world was experiencing warmer than usual summer temperatures, here in Southern California we truly only had about 2 weeks that felt like real summer (temperatures above 85 degrees).  Growing up in Central Florida, I like a good, hot summer.  “Aha!” I thought.  Perhaps this mild summer here in SoCal means an extended period of summer.  Nope.  It’s now two days past Labor Day and both yesterday and today have been overcast with drizzle.  The current temperature at 9:30 am is still in the 60’s.  Though the calendar does not yet say so, it is officially Autumn.

I love the holidays that this time of the year brings and I welcome change, but there is that part of me that feels like I somehow got cheated out of a full summer.  My vacation plans were shortened and, in some cases, cancelled.  August, typically a slow month for me, was busier than many other parts of the year.  So, as I sit here wearing a light jacket and looking out on the misty hill in front of me with a few drops of moisture streaming down my window, I wonder what this new season brings … and I am extremely optimistic.

This week I get to work with one of my favorite corporate clients, Paul Mitchell the School.  I am days away from the launch of my new business website with corporate consultant, Mike Amado, titled  One of my comedic, creative writing projects with my life long friend about a Behavior Therapist is being passed around in entertainment circles.  I continue to have great meetings with companies with whom I wish to partner.  I am inspired to continue developing a web series that is about communication, body language, choices, coaching, questions, NLP, movement, passion, love, forgiveness, gratitude, and any number of subjects about which I care with my good friend, Tom.  Next month, I get the opportunity to unveil a jazz concept designed to entertain while also educating and in November I’ll be working with The Lythgoes on a new entertainment project that promises to be a lot of fun.  I feel that I have so much to look forward to and I am so grateful.  My challenge is simply to breathe deeply as it is all happening and enjoy it as much as possible.  As was testament this summer, life moves so quickly.  Given the choice to enjoy it or rush through it (and I believe we have a choice about how we experience life), I am choosing to relish every bit of it.  Life is good and I am grateful.

Wishing everyone a pleasant transition into Fall,



August 9, 2010


July 9, 2010


July 9, 2010

I believe there is nothing more beneficial for your optimal health and well-being than how you are feeling right now in this moment.  It can be argued that many external circumstances influence and/or dictate how you feel.  I do not refute those arguments.  I know there are days that I receive a piece of unpleasant news or something I was counting on doesn’t come through and I spiral downward into an emotional dark pit.  However, I also know that slight adjustments in my internal world (e.g. deep, deliberate breathing, focusing my thoughts on something inspiring, becoming quiet for five minutes or more) make a difference in the way that I feel and often clears some “space” for new perspectives to enter into my mind.  Also, I have learned that shifts in body language (e.g. standing up a little taller, pulling the shoulders back, coaxing a little smile (even if I don’t feel like it)) send signals from my body to my mind  inviting my thoughts and feelings to remember what feeling good looks and feels like (muscle memories associated with good feelings can actually change your mood).  Furthermore, activities in my external world (e.g. exercise, a walk in nature, listening to inspiring music, viewing works of art, observing other people who are in a good mood, laughing at something funny in a movie, on tv, or in print (like the comics section of the paper)) can also strongly affect my emotional state.

Daily, I am checking in with myself to see how I am feeling.  If there is room to feel just a bit better (and there always seems to be room for this), I consciously create a slight shift in my thoughts, my body, and/or my activities.  These slight shifts make a huge difference in my day.  And, since there is nothing that affects the experience of my day-to-day life more than how I am feeling in the moment, I make “feeling my best” a priority.  Don’t take my word for it, try it yourself!

With feeling,

Mark Edgar Stephens


June 14, 2010

I like to watch the Tony Awards.  Before my current incarnation as the Body Language/Behavior Modification guy, the New York Broadway Community was my community.  Over the years, I have watched friends, former classmates, and former clients perform on the Tony’s stage and win a Tony or two.  It is a world that is very familiar to me and I enjoy hearing the words of those who maintain the discipline and work ethic to be able to sustain eight shows a week, sometimes for years on end.  Last night’s Tony’s ceremony was no exception.

One of last night’s recipients (Katie Finneran) encouraged young people who dream of one day performing on Broadway to go for it.  She essentially said (and I am paraphrasing here) that no matter how far you may be from the bright lights of Broadway, the right teachers, opportunities, and moments arise when you follow your passions, follow your heart, follow your dreams.  It is not important how you get to where you are going.  It is only important that you follow the dictates of your heart unwaveringly.  I agree with this statement.  I was inspired by what she said to millions of people last night.

If you have a dream, go for it.  Life is a gift and it passes more quickly than we sometimes realize.  What inspires you?  What is your dream???

Supporting your dreams,

Mark Edgar Stephens


June 2, 2010

So, the summer months are coming and with them come long days and more time for questions.  I am entertaining the thought of starting a weekly (or daily) video log (vlog) to answer, comment upon, or explore some of the questions that I receive in emails, during personal appearances, and from clients.  I need your help in this endeavor.  Any question that is related to body language, hypnotherapy, dream analysis, graphology, behavior modification, public speaking, body/mind therapy, overcoming fear, moving ahead in life, raising consciousness, my book, relationships, sex, romance, dating, passion, possibilities, inspiration, or anything related to life-affirming, life-enhancing issues, I welcome to this blog or to my personal email,  My intention is to start this vlog response, which will be featured on this blog, on my website and on youtube, as soon as it is possible.  So, please, if you have been holding onto a question with which you’d like a bit of perspective and exploration, I’d really like to hear from you.  As usual, I’ll keep you posted with developments on the vlog.   Of course, if you are visiting this blog regularly, you won’t be able to miss it.

Curious about your questions,

Mark Edgar Stephens