Posts Tagged ‘Communication’


September 29, 2010

Okay, so while most people were at home watching the “Britney” episode of Glee (if you didn’t, you know you wanted to), I decided to venture out to another one of my “unusual” experimental experiences (Oops!  I did it again!).

If you’ve been reading my blog regularly, you know that I challenged myself some months back to do some things I’ve never before tried.  That challenge led me to a thing called “Contact Improv Dance.”  From that experience, I was invited to a weekly gathering titled, “Prayers in Motion.”  In essence, it is a moving meditation.  About forty people of different ages, ethnicities, and movement styles showed up at a big, open yoga studio and while inviting rhythmic music plays, each person moves to his or her own inner drum.  I loved it!

In this gathering, the music is designed to assist the group in moving (literally) through a variety of rhythms and personal feelings.  Each person’s journey is their own.  You can go as complex or as simple with the movement experience as you choose.  From young, agile women who obviously have no problem whatsoever with movement to older men who shuffle about freeing themselves from their aged bodies, the whole room journeys together into both a personal and shared experience.  I was surprised at the feelings and the connections and the thoughts that came up for me as I experienced this group for the first time.  I think I will go again (and maybe again).

If you want to see a bit of what I am speaking about (though I suggest experiencing it for yourself), you can visit,

What’s next?!?



September 14, 2010

Since December of 2009, I’ve been working consistently with my business partner, Mike Amado.  Mike is a corporate consultant with a desire to “lead organizations toward a more noble prosperity.”   In terms of business, Mike and I are very much on the same wavelength.  We actively began creating our company, NexAim, with the intention of working with businesses and organizations during this drastically changing economic, environmental, and social period coaching them to put more focus back on humanity and integrity.

This month, we launch our official website We will be constantly updating this site with a services page, testimonial page, and other information.  Currently, on the Articles page, we offer six free downloadable documents that fairly characterize our coaching approach and that offer possible perspectives for new ways to view our personal and professional lives.  I am extremely thankful to Mike for his incredible intellect and unwavering integrity.  In the coming months, you will be hearing more about NexAim.  In the meantime, check out what we have to offer by visiting,

Onward and upward,



September 8, 2010

While the rest of the world was experiencing warmer than usual summer temperatures, here in Southern California we truly only had about 2 weeks that felt like real summer (temperatures above 85 degrees).  Growing up in Central Florida, I like a good, hot summer.  “Aha!” I thought.  Perhaps this mild summer here in SoCal means an extended period of summer.  Nope.  It’s now two days past Labor Day and both yesterday and today have been overcast with drizzle.  The current temperature at 9:30 am is still in the 60’s.  Though the calendar does not yet say so, it is officially Autumn.

I love the holidays that this time of the year brings and I welcome change, but there is that part of me that feels like I somehow got cheated out of a full summer.  My vacation plans were shortened and, in some cases, cancelled.  August, typically a slow month for me, was busier than many other parts of the year.  So, as I sit here wearing a light jacket and looking out on the misty hill in front of me with a few drops of moisture streaming down my window, I wonder what this new season brings … and I am extremely optimistic.

This week I get to work with one of my favorite corporate clients, Paul Mitchell the School.  I am days away from the launch of my new business website with corporate consultant, Mike Amado, titled  One of my comedic, creative writing projects with my life long friend about a Behavior Therapist is being passed around in entertainment circles.  I continue to have great meetings with companies with whom I wish to partner.  I am inspired to continue developing a web series that is about communication, body language, choices, coaching, questions, NLP, movement, passion, love, forgiveness, gratitude, and any number of subjects about which I care with my good friend, Tom.  Next month, I get the opportunity to unveil a jazz concept designed to entertain while also educating and in November I’ll be working with The Lythgoes on a new entertainment project that promises to be a lot of fun.  I feel that I have so much to look forward to and I am so grateful.  My challenge is simply to breathe deeply as it is all happening and enjoy it as much as possible.  As was testament this summer, life moves so quickly.  Given the choice to enjoy it or rush through it (and I believe we have a choice about how we experience life), I am choosing to relish every bit of it.  Life is good and I am grateful.

Wishing everyone a pleasant transition into Fall,



August 27, 2010

This summer I sent out a request to a few individuals for testimonials about work I had done with them personally or with their organizations over the years.  The response that I received was very beautiful.  I expected a couple of lines of testimonial support, but instead received a few detailed love letters.  The feeling I had as I received each one was extreme gratitude, humility, and love.

In preparation for the online release of my new business website (coming soon, with my business partner, corporate consultant, Mike Amado, I finally got around to organizing the testimonials and posting them to my personal website (  All that I can say to those who wrote to me, whether posted or not, is “thanks for the support.”  It means a great deal to me.

Suggestion to those who read this blog:  No matter your line of business or whether you are even in business, select a few individuals to write a testimonial about you.  Sometimes it is very powerful to be reminded of how you have positively affected those around you, and the reminder can be great inspiration to keep giving the best that you have to give.




August 23, 2010

Sometimes simply speaking out loud what you want to experience in life is enough to get the gears of your life moving.  So often, we keep little bits of inspiration, nudges from our environment, dreams from our subconscious tucked down deep inside of us.  Today’s challenge:  ROAR!!!  Say it out loud to yourself or in the presence of others.  What do you want to do?  What do you want to experience in life?  What is your secret dream or desire?  Say it out loud!  Sometimes we have to roar simply to hear ourselves.  My roar today:  “Let me be of great use!  Let me use my communication expertise and emotional intelligence to give something of great use to myself and to others.”  And, even as I finish writing this blog post, I believe that maybe my roar has already been heard.

Inspired to Roar,



August 10, 2010

I care a bit less now about how I appear to the world on the outside and I’m much more focused on how I feel on the inside.  This is a good thing.  The hair may recede a bit and it may become a bit more challenging to have a big, late night meal and NOT feel the effects in the middle of the night.  My body may be sore in places for reasons unknown and my face may indicate that I am no longer in my 20’s.  But, I freely admit that something has changed inside of me.  I am more aware of my desire to breathe deeply, to eat healthy, to sleep soundly, and to tell myself good things about me.  When I look at myself in the mirror, I see a body and a face that is aging with acceptance and with positive self-talk.  I have a choice about it.  I could choose to berate myself for not being in a 20-year old body and not having a face without a wrinkle.  But, that would be a waste of time.  Instead, I see a body that walks me up mountain sides, and bends and stretches daily.  I see a face that has heard many stories and lived many scenarios, but still chooses to smile and laugh.  I feel a glow inside and out that is not a reflection of youth, but a mirror of my gratitude, forgiveness, and love in this moment.  I enjoy where I am in life and I am thankful.  I am aware that life changes quickly and I will not visit this moment again.  So, as each change in my physical body comes, I will embrace it with open arms and know that I am truly blessed to feel all that I feel.  It is the journey of life and I choose to enjoy being on this ride.

Breathing deeply,



August 9, 2010


July 22, 2010


July 22, 2010

Recently, I’ve reconnected with several good friends who are in very different places in their lives than when last we were in contact.  For me, it is a reminder that nothing stays the same.  Everything changes.  I find this neither good nor bad.  I am simply glad to have reconnected.

Whether you are an old friend or a new friend reading this, I’m glad we are connecting.  And, I am interested to see what changes are coming.




July 19, 2010


July 19, 2010

Recently, I posted a blog called “Do What You Love.”  Along those lines, I made a pledge to myself that I would follow my own advice.  I made a list of things that I enjoy doing that I haven’t done in a while.  One of those things was to dance.

I practice yoga at a local, donation-based studio in Santa Monica (  Perusing the bulletin board after a class one day, I saw a posting for a Sunday evening class and “jam session” for Contact Improv Dance (  I had no idea what it was or what to expect.  The posting described the practice as follows: “It’s somewhere between tango, modern dance, aikido, wrestling, gymnastics, acroyoga and none of the above.”  Great!  I still had not idea what to expect, but I went anyway.

OMG!  I had the best time.  In the big, wide-open studio about 20 people gathered to explore movement, the floor, the space around us and our own bodies.  We rolled on each other (literally, we did a group exercise called a “log roll,” so much fun), lifted one another, breathed together, and ended up in positions that one could only call, “interesting.”  It was a sensual experience without being sexual.  It was an intimate experience without being invasive.  It was physically challenging without feeling like work.  For three hours (an extremely fast three hours, I wanted to stay longer), a room full of virtual strangers shared this very unique touch/movement experience with very few words; communicating strengths, weaknesses, and curiosities through movement.

This morning I can feel that body my body is activated.  I moved in ways I haven’t moved in years.  My body feels that it has been massaged from top to bottom.  And, I am eager for my next class.

This all came about because of a challenge to “Do What You Love.”  I’m doing it and I’m loving it.




July 12, 2010


July 12, 2010

Yesterday, after the extended play of the World Cup Finals, I got together with a group of close friends for a games night/dinner event.  We laughed a lot and ate to our stomach’s content.  During the evening, I became aware how games that have a highly competitive nature tend to be less fun than those that are played for laughs (the World Cup is a good example of this).  If you are on the winning team or the winning side, things feel pretty good; if not, then not.  I noticed that when we got really serious about the rules and regulations of a game or overly invested in “winning,” the level of fun subsided.  When we were involved with games that kept the whole group active and working toward a common goal, there was more levity, more cooperation, and more laughter.

I like to play games as much as (and sometimes more than) others.  And, I really do like to win.  But, I am noticing that I am generally having more fun in life when the goal is to laugh, enjoy, and help the other players to succeed in a goal.  It makes me wonder how this aspect of game playing could be applied to the greater society.  What would things be like if individuals, communities, businesses, organizations, and governments worked toward the benefit of all; like a game in which all of the players enjoy the process, work together, laugh along the way, and achieve a common goal?  I think it’s a good question.  I’m going to play with that for a while.

Think tanking with a smile,



July 8, 2010

Okay, folks, I’m starting this off with a BIG THANK YOU to those of you tuning in and turning on to this blog and its accompanying audio post.  Yesterday’s posting hit an all-time high for my blog postings and I received several comments and emails from friends.  It was very heartening and motivates me to keep moving in this direction.  In recent years, it seems that I have become more isolated.  It seems to be the pattern with many people as we get older (am I really using that word???  seems so).  Things get in the way — work schedules, an aversion to driving (especially in LA), family functions, children’s events, a desire to simply be at home, the need to watch “So You Think You Can Dance,” etc.  Personally, I don’t get together with good friends nearly as often as I did in the past.  I suppose blogging is a way of reaching out to a visually invisible world with the intention that my words, my expression, is being felt somewhere and maybe (just maybe) making some sort of a difference.  At the heart of who I am, I am a communicator.  The desire to communicate and share something of value lives inside of me like a heart beat (I suppose this is true to some extent for a great many people).  I like to communicate using words such as love, passion, inspiration, possibilities, choices, etc.  In my posts you can expect to see and hear those words a lot.  It is my intention that they bring a lift to your day as they do to mine.  Thanks to you, I am inspired to move forward into other areas of communicating using the magic of technology and the internet.  The possibilities really are endless!!!  Thank you for the comments.  Thank you for the company.  Thank you for the inspiration.  I look forward to a long and fruitful relationship with you.

Opening to new possibilities,



June 9, 2010

I am fortunate enough to be represented in television and media work by Abrams Artists Agency in New York City.  Over the years, the representatives there have become trusted friends and I truly consider myself blessed to have them in my life.  I got a message yesterday that one of my peeps, Tracy Weiss, will be leaving the agency to pursue her lifelong dream as a writer.  With anyone who goes for their life’s dream, I am so happy for her.  Yet, at the same time, I am sad to see her go.  She has been such a great help and trusted adviser over the years.  She will be missed.

If you have a dream, go for it!  The changes you make in your life to facilitate making this dream come true, may shake things up a bit with friends and colleagues.  But, those who love and support you will always want what is best for you!  What do you dream of doing???

Supporting your dreams,

Mark Edgar Stephens


June 2, 2010

So, the summer months are coming and with them come long days and more time for questions.  I am entertaining the thought of starting a weekly (or daily) video log (vlog) to answer, comment upon, or explore some of the questions that I receive in emails, during personal appearances, and from clients.  I need your help in this endeavor.  Any question that is related to body language, hypnotherapy, dream analysis, graphology, behavior modification, public speaking, body/mind therapy, overcoming fear, moving ahead in life, raising consciousness, my book, relationships, sex, romance, dating, passion, possibilities, inspiration, or anything related to life-affirming, life-enhancing issues, I welcome to this blog or to my personal email,  My intention is to start this vlog response, which will be featured on this blog, on my website and on youtube, as soon as it is possible.  So, please, if you have been holding onto a question with which you’d like a bit of perspective and exploration, I’d really like to hear from you.  As usual, I’ll keep you posted with developments on the vlog.   Of course, if you are visiting this blog regularly, you won’t be able to miss it.

Curious about your questions,

Mark Edgar Stephens


May 25, 2010

Recently, a client was dealing with some issues around reacting too quickly and very emotionally to certain things in his environment.  His immediate, passionate reactions were not helping him to communicate in a way that was helpful for him.  I introduced to him the difference between “reacting” to a situation and “responding.”  The difference may seem subtle, but the result is huge.  A reaction has less awareness, consciousness, and thought.  It is immediate and is based on internal programming that has been in the subconscious mind for a very long time.  Like Pavlov’s dog, it is a behavioral reaction that is always ready to be activated.  A response has some “space” around it, or some breath in it as I like to call it.  It allows you time to actually step back from a stimulus, check into your triggered emotions, breath in a greater awareness and consciousness, and respond from a place of reasoned logic.  Often, it is not overly charged with emotion or a need to lash out.  A simple tip for training yourself to respond rather than react is to breath deeply into your gut whenever you feel emotionally activated by an external stimulus — a rude comment, a bad driver, a verbal attack by a co-worker or disgruntled friend.  Try it the next time you feel yourself activated.  As the emotions are activated, stop for a few seconds to breath deeply before saying or doing anything.  It is these few moments of creating some space, some breath, around the emotional stimulus that allows you to respond with more awareness, consciousness, and ease.  Responding increases understanding and peaceful communication.



Mark Edgar Stephens