Posts Tagged ‘Hypnotherapy’


August 4, 2011

Nine years ago, after completing my secondary education in hypnotherapy and behavior modification, I started spending my time working in two different types of worlds — one-on-one coaching in private, quiet, personalized settings and on-camera coaching in bustling, activity-filled television production locations.  The former was a world of therapeutic insight designed to help individuals to identify and move through challenges hampering their personal and professional  growth and well-being.  The latter was a platform that effectively used the television medium as a form of “edutainment” that often helped not only the individual receiving the coaching, but also the production team working on the project and, eventually, the  viewing audience.  During this near decade of my life I have enjoyed these two worlds that I have been fortunate to work in and to inhabit.

My life has changed as everyone’s life has changed.  During my time since beginning work in my field, I have moved from the fast-paced activity of the Upper West Side of Manhattan to a peaceful, rural environment tucked way up in a Los Angeles Canyon surrounded by state government protected parklands.  Without fully realizing it as it was happening, I transitioned from a city dwelling, part-time personal development coach working in the “hurry up and wait” entertainment industry to a full-time, partially secluded, extremely reflective, “therapist type” lifestyle with occasional moments of group activity provided by seminars, workshops, and television appearances.  Each of these living and working scenarios has come with great advantages and blessings.  Each has birthed moments of contrast from which have sprung new desires for change.

I’ve discovered how much I thrive working with a team and in group settings.  During those times, a lot of energy is produced and expended; energy that feels natural and like a welcomed best friend with whom to play.  Playing with that much energy and shaping it in a way that is optimal for everyone concerned — self, production team, participants, viewers, etc. — requires a proper amount of rest and some time alone away from the group setting.  The rest and recuperation is key to staying healthy, inspired, and motivated.  I’ve also learned that there is a high price to pay for too much time spent over-analyzing any situation, my own or someone else’s.  For me, too much time alone, away from community, only connecting through phone, email, or in therapeutic settings has to be balanced with group play, fellowship, stepping out of the center of the circle and taking pleasure in watching the rest of “the team” do their thing.

I think I have learned a LOT in the past nine years.  I believe I am positioned to play with the energy that I adore so much in a way that is healthier and more giving and more profound than perhaps I was consciously aware of in the past.  This feeling, this realization, this perspective is brewing something in my life that I am not yet able to identify in words.  It is a feeling, a knowing.  I welcome it.  I respect it.  I honor it.  And, I am grateful for every step and every feeling and every experience that has brought me to this moment.

With gratitude,



June 2, 2010

So, the summer months are coming and with them come long days and more time for questions.  I am entertaining the thought of starting a weekly (or daily) video log (vlog) to answer, comment upon, or explore some of the questions that I receive in emails, during personal appearances, and from clients.  I need your help in this endeavor.  Any question that is related to body language, hypnotherapy, dream analysis, graphology, behavior modification, public speaking, body/mind therapy, overcoming fear, moving ahead in life, raising consciousness, my book, relationships, sex, romance, dating, passion, possibilities, inspiration, or anything related to life-affirming, life-enhancing issues, I welcome to this blog or to my personal email,  My intention is to start this vlog response, which will be featured on this blog, on my website and on youtube, as soon as it is possible.  So, please, if you have been holding onto a question with which you’d like a bit of perspective and exploration, I’d really like to hear from you.  As usual, I’ll keep you posted with developments on the vlog.   Of course, if you are visiting this blog regularly, you won’t be able to miss it.

Curious about your questions,

Mark Edgar Stephens

Hello New Blog!

April 20, 2010

I’ve just moved my blog over to Google’s WordPress at the suggestion of my friend, Gary Moon.  Gary is one of those guys who connects to so many people in a genuine and caring way.  He goes above and beyond the call of duty in so many areas and those of us who are fortunate enough to call him friend, benefit from it.  I am so very thankful, for Gary and his wife, Dr. Wendy Schauer of Community Chiropractic and Abundant Fitness Center.

The intention for this blog change is to reach a greater audience to share information about inspiration, conscious choice, and deliberate action.  I don’t think there has ever been a better time for these subjects not only to be discussed, but to be implemented.  So, whether you visit this blog, my website at or my book website at, you can be sure that you will find inspirational material that lights a fire in your heart and mind.  Thanks for joining me on this ride.